South Australian
United Church Netball Association Inc.
South Australian
United Church Netball Association
Junior Carnival
Each year the Association holds a Junior Carnival for teams in age grades 17 & under and below.
The carnival is generally held on the Wednesday of the 2nd week of the July school holidays. The Carnival is open to any and all who wish to compete - you do not need to be a member of SAUCNA to be involved.
SAUCNA Inc invites you to participate in our Netball Junior Carnival to be held on TUESDAY 16 July 2024, WEDNESDAY 17 July 2024 and THURSDAY 18 July 2024 at our courts situated in the Parklands. (cnr Goodwood Road and Greenhill Road).
Sections 17/U 15/U 13/U 11/U 9/U 8/U
Tuesday 16 July - 17/u and 11/u will compete
Wednesday 17 July - 15/u and 9/u will compete
Thursday 18 July - 13/u and 8/u will compete
FINAL PROGRAM ALL DAYS - Program will be available through PlayHQ by using the Netball HQ app or going to www.playhq.com and selecting SAUCNA and then Junior Carnival
Depending on the number of teams games will start at 9.00 am.
Teams will play multiple games (2 x 10 with a 2 min break at ½ time) The carnival is a round robin style. The winner is decided on points (2 for a win, 1 for a draw, 0 for a loss) and on percentage. Each player in the winning team receives a trophy. All players who participate receive a Junior Carnival patch.
The response is always good and has proved to be an enjoyable day for all who participate.
Teams are usually permitted to erect family size tents near the court. TENTS ARE NOT PERMITTED ON THE COURT AREA.
Nominations will only be available through PlayHQ. Please contact saucnaregistrar@gmail.com if you are not already an organisation linked to SAUCNA in PlayHQ.
Program will be available through PlayHQ at least one week before the carnival.
Cost is $100 per team entered. Payment must be made via direct deposit with Internet banking PRIOR to the carnival.
Details are:
Account Name: South Australian United Church Netball Association Inc.
BSB: 105-083 Account: 319 213 540
We encourage school teams to enter as it gives all players /teams an opportunity to play against different teams in their own age group. There are adequate parking and canteen facilities. Players can put a team together of friends.
Due to the popularity of the day, we advise you to reply quickly. We have a limited number of courts available, and we try to accommodate all teams who nominate.
If you have any queries, please contact saucnaregistrar@gmail.com